Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can be successful against a bigger, stronger assailant by using technique, leverage, and most notably, taking the fight to the ground, and then applying joint-locks or chokeholds to defeat the opponent. BJJ training can be used for grappling tournaments (Gi and No-Gi), mixed martial arts (MMA) or self-defense. Incorporated into this class are also wrestling and Judo techniques.
BJJ is referred to as the “gentle art” as it was designed to be an effective tool for someone when faced with a bigger stronger opponent. Classes will include a dynamic warm up, technique and drilling followed by live “rolling” (applying techniques in real time).
Classes will either be Gi or No Gi (see class schedule). Gi refers to the traditional kimono worn by martial artists, where as No Gi refers to the art while not wearing a Gi.
Beginners are welcome in all classes and if you do not own a Gi then regular workout attire will work just fine. In the No Gi class regular workout gear is required
1 hour
Any Skill Level
15 years experience
1 hour
Any Skill Level
15 years experience
1 hour
Any Skill Level
15 years experience
1 hour
Any Skill Level
15 years experience
1 hour
Any Skill Level
15 years experience
1 hour
Any Skill Level
15 years experience
1 hour
Any Skill Level
15 years experience
1 hour
Any Skill Level
15 years experience